Sunday, July 5, 2009


This picture was taken on the day that Grayson came home from the hospital. He had a rough start in this world, but we are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for healing him.

Saturday, March 21, 2009



Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Today the Lord gave me a taste of what that phrase means. It had been a rough unscheduled hostile parent conference, difficult behavior problems at school, my appraisal, and schedule interruptions. I had been trying to get students to understand the concept of elapsed time on a calendar for about 45 minutes when my door opened. In walked my former teaching partner, Nancy. When I saw her, I teared up. Seeing her was such an amazing treat!! She was able to spend the afternoon with me and after school was out, we were just able to sit and chat and enjoy being together. It was just like old times. By the time she left, I realized that my heart was lighter and my spirit was encouraged.

How like our Heavenly Father to provide unexpected springs of refreshing when we need it most! So today, I choose to be thankful for those few precious hours spent in the company of my dear friend. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Today is a day for celebration. Thirty one years ago today, Phil and I were married. As I look back and remember that day, I am amazed by all of the blessings I have received along the way.
My husband loves me and shows me that daily, starting with the cup of coffee he brings me each morning. Even on the tough days when things aren't what we want them to be, the love is and always has been there. Our life together has been enriched by our three children, Justin, Kody and Katy. They have brought us joy beyond measure and made our hearts proud by choosing to live lives that honor our Lord Jesus Christ. Blessings also came our way when Tiffany, Corby, and Stu came into our family. Each one of them is so special to us and we love them as our own. Did I mention the grandchildren?? Oh, my goodness...what an amazing time we are having!!Taylor and Brooks own our hearts, and we look so forward to meeting Grayson and any others who may come along.

I am forever grateful to my loving Heavenly Father who has blessed me with these wonderful people in my life. Each moment spent with them fills my heart with joy!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today I was reminded of how an encouraging word can change the way you feel. After a particularly stressful day, I came home to find a card from my friend, Kim, who definitely has
the gift of encouragement! Her sweet words and the Scriptures she sent me were like a balm to my soul. Immediately tears sprang to my eyes as I realized how blessed I am. My precious Heavenly Father knew I would need a lift today, and in advance, laid my name on Kim's heart. Thank you, Kim, for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and for being willing to share your gift with me! Most of all, thank you for this verse. I love you and miss you.

Psalm 57:1-2
Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in Thee; yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth ALL things for me!


Friday, February 20, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009


1. He is a man of integrity.

2. He was and is a great dad to our children.

3. He is the best Pappy. I get such joy out of watching him prepare for our grandchildren to
come visit. Is there anything the man won't buy?????

4. He shops more than me!! This is a good thing because???....what I buy pales in comparison!

5. He loves my mom. Phil has been such an amazing help to me while my mom has been sick.
He has even taken off work to take her to the doctor.

6. He washes my car for me!

7. He manages to hold down two jobs when the one I have exhausts me!!

8. He dresses better than me!!

9. He makes coffee every evening for me!

10. He loves me and has loved me faithfully for over 30 years!

P.S. Phil would like me to point out that he makes breakfast for me each Saturday.
Guess I need to amend my list to 11. I obviously forgot the modesty and humility characteristic!